data policy

Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Use

This Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Use govern your use of, and, unless other terms and conditions expressly apply, any other electronic services from Gleemo, Inc. that may be made available from time to time (each, a "Service").

You agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement by subscribing to any portion of and by creating an account on If you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you should not subscribe to or create an account on If you access or use a Service without completing our subscription process, your continued use of any Gleemo Service is subject to many of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Changes to Subscriber Agreement: We may change the terms of this Agreement at any time by notifying you of the change in writing or electronically (including, without limitation, by email or by posting a notice on the Service that the terms have been "updated"). The changes will also appear in this document, which you can access at any time. You signify your agreement to be bound by such changes by using a Service after the changes are made to this Agreement.

Privacy and Security: Gleemo's privacy and security policies can be viewed online. reserves the right to modify its privacy and security policies at its discretion from time to time. Individual users will receive marketing and other non-critical Service-related communications from via email. They may opt out of receiving such communications at any time by selecting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of these emails. Note that because the Service is a hosted, online application, may need to notify all users of the Service (whether or not they have opted out) of important announcements regarding the operation of the Service.

Third Party Data: If your access to a Service has been provided by or through a third party (such as your employer or an educational institution), the Third Party may have provided us with information about you to enable us to provide you with access to the Service and distinguish you from other subscribers (such as your email address or name).

Password Protection: If you access a Service using a password, you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of that password. If you share your password with someone else, they will have the ability to view information about your account and make changes through the Service.

Notification: You agree to notify us promptly if you change your address or email so we can continue to contact you and send any required notices. If you fail to notify us promptly of a change, any notice we send to your old address or email shall be deemed sufficient.

Your Responsibilities: You are responsible for all activity occurring under your User accounts and must comply with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, treaties, and regulations related to your use of the Service, including those related to data privacy, international communications, and the transmission of technical or personal data. You also agree to:

a. Notify immediately of any unauthorized use of any password or account or any other known or suspected breach of security.

b. Report to immediately and use reasonable efforts to stop any copying or distribution of Content that is known or suspected by you or your Users.

c. Not impersonate another user or provide false identity information to gain access to or use the Service. You are responsible for properly identifying your business form as it pertains to the pricing and delivery of the Service, either as an Advertiser or Agency.

Fees and Payments: You agree to pay the subscription fees and any other charges incurred in connection with your username and password for a Service (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. If your subscription includes access to areas containing premium content or services, your access may be subject to additional fees, terms, and conditions, which will be separately disclosed. We will bill all charges automatically to your credit card. Subscription fees will be billed at the beginning of your subscription or any renewal. Unless otherwise stated in writing, all fees and charges are nonrefundable. We may change the fees and charges or add new ones by giving you advance notice. If you want to use a different credit card or there is a change in credit card validity or expiration date, you can make changes via the My Accounts section of the Service, our Live Chat, or by emailing [email protected]. If you believe someone has accessed a Service using your username and password without your authorization, you must contact Gleemo support via Live Chat, email, or phone; contact information can be found here. You are responsible for any fees or charges incurred to access a Service through an Internet access provider or other third-party service. Gleemo, at its sole discretion, may choose to refund partial or complete fees and payments for a subscriber. Partial or complete refunds do not void any terms of this Agreement.

Renewal: Your subscription will renew automatically unless you cancel it through the My Account section of the service; we terminate it; or you notify us by telephone, certified mail, live chat with an authorized Gleemo representative, or email (receipt of which must be confirmed by email reply from us) of your decision to terminate your subscription. You must cancel your subscription before it renews to avoid billing of subscription fees for the renewal term to your credit card.

Downloadable Mobile Products; Exceptions for Various Types of Subscribers and Other Users:

Downloadable Mobile Products: If you have downloaded a mobile application to access a Service, you may have access without charge for a limited time to certain subscriber-only content, and some or all of the "Fees and Payments" and "Renewal" terms may not apply during this time. To the extent not inconsistent with this Agreement, the applicable End User License Agreement for the mobile service through which you downloaded the mobile application may apply.

Other Subscribers and Users: If your access to a Service is provided by or through a Third Party or if you purchased your subscription through a reseller rather than directly from us, some or all of the "Fees and Payments" and "Renewal" terms may not apply. Please contact the Third Party, retailer, or our Customer Service department for details. If you access a Service as part of a free trial or otherwise without becoming a subscriber, all terms and conditions of this Subscriber Agreement except for the sections labeled "Fees and Payments" and "Renewal" apply to your use and access of the Service.

Limitations on Use:

Only one individual may access a Service at the same time using the same username or password unless we agree otherwise.

The text, graphics, images, video, metadata, design, organization, compilation, look and feel, advertising, and all other protectable intellectual property (the "Content") available through the Services are our property or the property of our advertisers and licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Unless you have our written consent, you may not sell, publish, distribute, retransmit, or otherwise provide access to the Content received through the Services to anyone, including your fellow students, employees, or customers, with the following exceptions:

  • You may occasionally distribute a copy of a webpage or PDF document, or a portion of a webpage or PDF document, from a Service in non-electronic form to a few individuals without charge, provided you include all copyright and other proprietary rights notices in the same form in which they appear in the Service, original source attribution, and the phrase "Used with permission from" as appropriate. Please contact directly if you need to distribute a webpage or PDF document from a Service to a larger number of individuals, on a regular basis, or in any manner not expressly permitted by this Agreement.

  • You may occasionally use our service to email a webpage or PDF document from the Service to a few individuals without charge. You are not permitted to use this service regularly to provide other users with access to content from a Service.

  • While you may download, store, and create an archive of information from the Service for your personal use, you may not otherwise provide access to such an archive to more than a few individuals on an occasional basis. This does not apply to any sharing functionality we provide through the Service that expressly allows you to share web pages or PDF documents, or links to them with others. Additionally, you may not use such an archive to develop or operate an automated reporting system or for data or text mining.

  • You agree not to rearrange or modify the Content. You agree not to create abstracts from, scrape, or display our content for use on another website or service. You agree not to post any content from the Services to weblogs, newsgroups, or mail lists without our written consent.

  • You agree not to use the Services for any unlawful purpose. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access to a Service if, in our opinion, your use of the Service may violate any laws, regulations, or rulings, infringe upon another person's rights, or violate the terms of this Agreement. We may also refuse to grant you a username that impersonates someone else, is protected by trademark or other proprietary rights, or is vulgar or offensive.

Community; User Generated Content:

User Name: We require you to register to access our community areas. You must be logged in and use your username to identify yourself in our community. It is your responsibility to choose your password wisely. If you have concerns or believe someone is using your password without your authority, please contact Customer Service. We reserve the right to disclose any information about you, including registration data, to comply with applicable laws and/or legal requests, to operate our systems properly, to protect our property or rights, and to safeguard the interests of others.

User Generated Content:

User Content: We offer the opportunity to comment on and engage in discussions on various topics. Any content, information, graphics, audio, images, and links you submit as part of creating your profile or in connection with these activities is referred to as "User Content" in this Agreement and is subject to various terms and conditions set forth below.

Cautions Regarding Other Users and User Content: You understand and agree that User Content includes information, views, opinions, and recommendations from many individuals and organizations and is intended to help you make informed decisions. Importantly, you are responsible for your own decisions and for analyzing and verifying any information you intend to rely upon. We do not endorse any recommendations or opinions made by users. We do not routinely screen, edit, or review User Content, but we reserve the right to monitor or remove any User Content from the Services at any time without notice. Be aware that other users may use our Services for personal gain. As a result, approach messages with appropriate skepticism. User Content may be misleading, deceptive, or erroneous.

Grant of Rights and Representations by You: If you upload, post, or submit any User Content on a Service, you represent that you have all necessary legal rights to do so, and that it will not violate any law or the rights of any person. You agree that upon uploading, posting, or submitting information on the Services, you grant Gleemo, and its affiliates and successors a non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to use, distribute, publicly perform, display, reproduce, and create derivative works from your User Content in any media, in any manner, in whole or part, without any duty to compensate you. You also grant us the right to authorize the use of User Content, or any portion thereof, by users in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including the right to feature your User Content on the Services and allow other users to request access to it, such as through an RSS Feed.

We may also remove any User Content for any reason and without notice. This includes all materials related to your use of the Services or membership, including email accounts, postings, profiles, or other personalized information you have created on the Services.

Third Party Websites, Services, and Software: We may link to or promote websites or services from other companies or offer you the ability to download software from other companies. You agree that we are not responsible for, and do not control, those websites, services, and software.

Disclaimers of Warranties and Limitations on Liability: Gleemo and its licensors make no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, truth, availability, accuracy, or completeness of the service or any content. Gleemo and its licensors do not represent or warrant that (a) the use of the service will be secure, timely, uninterrupted, or error-free or operate in combination with any other hardware, software, system, or data, (b) the service will meet your requirements or expectations, (c) any stored data will be accurate or reliable, (d) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the service will meet your requirements or expectations, (e) errors or defects will be corrected, or (f) the service or the servers that make the service available are free of viruses or other harmful components. The service and all content are provided to you strictly on an "as is" basis. All conditions, representations, and warranties, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third-party rights, are hereby disclaimed to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law by Gleemo and its licensors.

Internet Delays:'s services may be subject to limitations, delays, and other issues inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications. is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or other damage resulting from such problems.

Limitation of Liability: In no event shall either party's aggregate liability exceed the amounts actually paid by and/or due from you in the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the event giving rise to such claim. In no event shall either party and/or its licensors be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, incidental, consequential, or other damages of any type or kind (including loss of data, revenue, profits, use, or other economic advantage) arising out of, or in any way connected with this service, including but not limited to the use or inability to use the service, or for any content obtained from or through the service, any interruption, inaccuracy, error, or omission, regardless of cause, even if the party from which damages are being sought or such party's licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Local Laws and Export Control: This site provides services and uses software and technology that may be subject to United States export controls administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, and other U.S. agencies, as well as the export control regulations of Switzerland and the European Union. The user of this site ("User") acknowledges and agrees that the site shall not be used, and none of the underlying information, software, or technology may be transferred or otherwise exported or re-exported to countries subject to embargoes by the United States, Switzerland, and/or the European Union (collectively, "Embargoed Countries"), or to or by nationals or residents of such countries, or any person or entity on the U.S. Department of Treasury's List of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce's Table of Denial Orders (collectively, "Designated Nationals"). The lists of Embargoed Countries and Designated Nationals are subject to change without notice. By using the Service, you represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of an Embargoed Country or Designated National. You agree to comply strictly with all U.S., Swiss, and European Union export laws and assume sole responsibility for obtaining licenses to export or re-export as required. This site may use encryption technology subject to licensing requirements under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Parts 730-774, and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1334/2000. Gleemo and its licensors make no representation that the Service is appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use the Service from outside the United States, Switzerland, and/or the European Union, you are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, including export and import regulations of other countries. Any diversion of the Content contrary to U.S., Swiss, or European Union (including European Union Member States) law is prohibited. None of the Content, nor any information acquired through the use of the Service, is or will be used for nuclear activities, chemical or biological weapons, or missile projects unless specifically authorized by the United States government or appropriate European body for such purposes.

General: This Agreement constitutes the final and entire agreement between us regarding your use of the Services and supersedes all previous and contemporaneous oral or written agreements regarding your use of the Services. We may discontinue or change the Services, or their availability to you, at any time. This Agreement is personal to you, which means that you may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone. No third party is a beneficiary of this Agreement. You agree that this Agreement, as well as any and all claims arising from it, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, United States of America, applicable to contracts made and performed entirely within Arizona, without regard to any conflict of law principles. The sole jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement will be an appropriate federal or state court located in Arizona. This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

Additional Terms and Notices:

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Gleemo® and® are trademarks and service marks of Gleemo, Inc. Copyright © 2024 Gleemo, Inc. All rights reserved.